Intervento del Presidente somalo Mohamed Siyad Barre, in occasione della Commissione mista italo-somala di cooperazione universitaria, riunitasi a Mogadiscio nel 1983, sull'importanza del diritto alla cultura per i giovani somali._._Khudbad uu madaxweynaha Maxamed Siyaad Barre uu ka soo jeediyay shir lagu qabtay Moqdisho 1983, oo qabtay guddiga isku-dhafka ee talyaani-soomaali ee iskaashiga jaamacadeed, oo ku saabsanaa muhimmadda xuquuqda waxbarasho ee ay u leeyihin dhallinta soomaaliyeed._._Talk of the Somali President Mohamed Siyad Barre on the importance of instruction for the young Somalis, held in the occasion of the mixed Italian-Somali Committee for university cooperation, which met in Mogadishu in 1983